
Friday, July 20, 2012

7 Quick Takes.


This week, term three started. On day 2, Christopher and I had our first power struggle. Mum was the winner. Day 3, 4 and 5 were proof of that. 


It is a month tomorrow since Joseph had his botox  injections. It seems to have been effective but his physio thinks they didn't give him a strong enough dose. We are seeing the Rehabilitation specialist on Monday so will see what he thinks about the progress. 


One of the reasons, Christopher and I had a power struggle on Tuesday was because I have started a new spelling program for him. This one is testing each day and once he has them all correct twice, we move on to a new group of words. This was the best spelling program I had for Tom and Amelia and the one that they retained what they had learnt. That is really the main goal of spelling so I decided to change over to this for Christopher. I will let  you know in a few weeks if it is working. 


Tonight Steve and I had a night out for tea. We went to Cafe Primo. It is a bit loud there but I have always enjoyed the food there. Steve loves Indian so maybe next time, we will go to the Indian restaurant.


Since our night away to hear Jill Stanek, Steve and I have decided we will try and get away every school holidays for one night on our own. There are quite a few bed and breakfast places close by to us so hopefully we will be able to do this each holiday. The next school holidays will be from September 21st till October 7th. 


On Monday night, Christopher was out riding his bike. His pump was in his pocket and fell out. He rode his bike over it. He showed me and explained what had happened but I didn't really pay much attention to it. I could see that he had scratched the side of the pump but didn't realise he had broken it completely. When we went to give him insulin with is tea, I realised it wasn't working so we put him on his backup health care plan. We spoke with an Endocrinologist that night and then rang Medtronic on Tuesday morning. We had a new pump for Christopher by Wednesday afternoon. 


On a positive note, the boys diabetes has been going really well this week. I like it when I know what has caused a high bsl or a low one and just  about all of them, I have known this week. I am conscious that a lot of the time that I write about diabetes and the boys on here, that I am writing negative things about it. I want to write about the good weeks too. 

Don't forget to drop over to Jen at Conversion Diary for more 7 quick takes. 

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